部门 | 校内拨号 | 从手机或校外拨打 |
消防队,急救中心,警察 | 911 | 911 |
校园安全(紧急) | x5555 | (603) 899-5555 |
校园安全(非紧急) | x4210 | (603) 899-4210 |
咨询服务 | x4133 | (603) 899-4133 |
卫生服务 | x4130 | (603) 899-4130 |
居住生活 | x4176 | (603) 899-4176 |
学生事务主任 | x4162 | (603) 899-4162 |
设施* | x4120 | (603) 899-4120 |
*紧急情况或即时需要(i.e. 漏,淹,无水,无热,失
电源、锁故障等.) during normal business hours, weekdays from 8 a.m. - 4:30
p.m.,请致电x 4120或 (603) 899-4120. For any after-hours emergencies, please call 校园安全 x5555或 (603) 899-5555
- 泡沫
- 湖畔教育中心
- 校园安全(手提装置)
- 卫生服务
- 急救台(手提设备)
- Pappas Athletic Training Office (five portable units)
如果一个 建筑 needs to be evacuated, the Fire Alarm will sound, or you will be notified 当告警失败时,通过文本方式发送告警. 如果有警报,离开你的大楼 an orderly fashion and head to the appropriate assembly point listed below.
建筑/位置 | 疏散集合地点 |
黑盒子剧院 | 图书馆停车场 |
校园中心/食堂 | 在玛库塞拉大厅前面 |
切尼大厅/音乐系 | 在山前. 华盛顿(野外) |
柴郡大厅 | 在山前. 华盛顿(野外) |
科尔斯厅 | 玛库塞拉大厅前 |
舞蹈工作室 | 图书馆停车场 |
DiGregorio | 通勤停车场 |
埃奇伍德霍尔 | 图书馆停车场 |
Fieldhouse | 图书馆停车场 |
Fitzwater中心 | 图书馆停车场 |
花岗岩大厅 | 垒球场 |
湖边房子/船 | 湖景停车场-横跨大学大道 |
湖景镇的公寓 | 溢出停车场 |
图书馆 | 在玛库塞拉大厅前面 |
Marcucella大厅 | 垒球场面积 |
残丘大厅 | 皮特森堂庭院 |
Mt. 视图的公寓 | 柴郡庄园的田野一侧 |
Mt. 华盛顿的大厅 | 垒球场 |
新罕布什尔大厅 | 垒球场 |
北野活动中心(泡泡) | 停车场 |
北方森林公寓 | 皮尔斯停车场(近网球场) |
帕帕斯中心 | 图书馆停车场 |
彼得森庄园 | 玛库塞拉大厅前 |
帕特塞利大厅 | 场地由残丘大厅提供 |
Spagnuolo大厅 | 玛库塞拉大厅前 |
锯木厂公寓 | 湖景溢出停车场 |
St. 彼得斯(校园安全) | 后停车场 |
仓库/设施 | 后停车场 |
For people who are mobility impaired (those who use a wheelchair): 当警报被激活时,
people using wheelchairs should either stay in place or move to a safe place and wait
for assistance from a member of the University staff or other trained emergency personnel.
联络校园安全: (603) 899-5555 for additional assistance and to relay information of your location. 如果援助
can be offered by others evacuating, assist 任何有需要的人.
People who are Mobility Impaired (those who do not use a wheelchair): 行动不便的人
impairments who are able to walk independently may be able to navigate stairs in an
有少量援助的紧急情况. In an actual evacuation, these individuals may choose
to wait until heavy traffic has cleared before attempting the stairs. 电梯可以
be used only if authorized by emergency personnel, but may never be used in the event
火灾或结构损坏. 如果援助 can be offered by others evacuating, assist
失聪或有听力障碍的人: Many areas and rooms in University 建筑s are equipped with fire horns and strobe lights that simultaneously sound an alarm (auditory) and flash strobe lights (visual). Although this system is intended to alert deaf and hard of hearing individuals, they may not notice or hear emergency alarms and may need to be alerted to emergency situations. 如果援助 can be offered by others evacuating, assist 任何有需要的人.
视障人士: People with sight disabilities are generally familiar with their immediate surroundings 以及经常旅行的路线. Nonetheless, because the emergency evacuation route might be different from commonly traveled routes, people who have a sight disability 需要协助才能离开大楼吗.
如果有 活跃的射手 在校园里,记住 跑,躲,打:
运行: If you have a clear and safe path away from the shooter, RUN from the 建筑 or 安全位置.
隐藏: If you DO NOT have a safe pathway out of the 建筑:
- Lock doors, Close blinds, Turn off Lights, Silence Phones. 你会尽力留下来吗 藏在一个安全的地方. 呼叫 911.
- Do NOT try to leave until Law Enforcement gives ALL CLEAR.
治疗: 如果你没有其他选择,面对:
- Find nearby items that can be used as improvised weapons and attack vulnerable areas.
- Attack the shooter as a group and as aggressively as possible.
- 呼叫 911 尽快.
如果你目睹或经历 暴力 or 犯罪行为:
- If you are a victim or a witness to any on-campus offense or observe a criminal act 或者校园内有可疑人员,请打电话 911 及/或校园安全 x5555.
- Note details and supply the dispatcher with any helpful information.
- Everyone can help make the campus a safe place by promptly reporting suspicious or 犯罪活动.
如果一个 内乱 or 防暴 正在进行中:
- Keep a safe distance from any crowd activities that appear unsafe.
- 锁好门窗,保护好你的区域.
- 避免与人群参与者发生冲突.
- If police are not already present, call 911 and report details of the event
如果你参与了 人质劫持事件:
- 保持冷静和耐心. 时间站在你这一边. 避免过激行为.
- 最初的45分钟是最危险的. 听从指示,保持警惕,留下来 活着. 绑架者情绪不平衡. 不要犯危险的错误 你的幸福.
- Don’t speak unless spoken to, and only when necessary. 不要用居高临下的口气和绑匪说话, 谁可能处于激动状态. 避免表现出敌意. 保持眼神交流 captor at all times 如果可能的话, but do not stare. 像对待皇室一样对待俘虏.
- 试着休息. 避免投机. 尽你所能遵守指示. 避免争论. 期待意外.
- Displaying a certain amount of fear can possibly work to your advantage. 是细心的. When you are released, or when you escape, the personal safety of others may depend 根据你对当时情况的记忆.
- 准备好接警察的电话. 耐心等待. 试图建立 与俘虏关系融洽.
- If medications, first aid or restroom privileges are needed by anyone, tell the captor.
如果发生 火 or 火灾报警 在你的区域内或附近的:
- 保持冷静,并鼓励其他人也这样做.
- Activate the nearest fire alarm (if not done) and alert those around you.
- Exit the area, turning off lights and shutting doors behind you.
- 不要使用电梯.
- Evacuate 建筑 through nearest exit and move at least 200 feet away from structure, preferably to assigned assembly areas (see Building Evacuation for Assembly areas).
- Report injuries by calling 911 and refer to the INJURY section.
- Do not return to 建筑 unless authorized by fire or police personnel.
如果有 医疗紧急情况 or 受伤的人 在你的领域:
- 保持冷静,并鼓励其他人也这样做.
- If the injury appears to be serious or if the injured person requests it, call 911 or 校园安全 立即.
- Do not attempt to move a person who has fallen or appears to be in pain 或者是 unconscious.
- Limit your communication with ill or injured person to quiet reassurances.
- If properly trained persons choose to administer first-aid for minor injuries, ensure 遵循适当的程序.
- For serious injuries, check breathing and give artificial respiration if necessary*.
- Control serious bleeding by direct pressure on the wound*.
- Continue to assist the victim until help arrives*.
- 如有需要,校园内设有除颤器*.
注意: Only qualified trained personnel should provide first aid treatment (e.g.:首先 援助,CPR / AED).
紧急情况或紧急需要(一).e. 漏水,淹水,断水,断热,断电, 锁故障等.) during normal business hours, weekdays from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., 请致电设施部x4120或 (603) 899-4120.
For after-hours emergencies or if you get a voicemail at Facilities, please call Campus 安全 x5555 or (603) 899-5555. 紧急情况下不留语音信箱.
如果一个 电力故障 发生在你的楼里或校园里:
- 如果发生 major utility failure, 立即 notify Facilities or, after business 校园安全.
- 如果一个 emergency exists, activate the 建筑 alarm (fire alarm) and evacuate the 建筑.
- Unplug all equipment being used in your area—computers, printers, etc. 这将有助于 in ensuring circuit breakers will not fail when power is restored and will protect 至关重要的设备.
- 小心地移动到有灯光的地方. 监视FPAlert通知的更新.
如果你的地区经历了 洪水:
- 停止使用所有电气设备.
- 拨打校园安全电话: x5555 and if known, report the location of the source of the flooding.
如果你所在的地区经历了 没有水或没有暖气:
- 联系 Facilities or, after business 校园安全. 解释你的位置 以及你正在经历的.
如果有人被困在 被困电梯:
- If in the elevator, use the emergency phone in the elevator and explain your situation. Stay calm and understand that elevators have a failsafe condition - the elevator cannot 自由落体. 不要试图打开电梯门或爬出去.
- 如果你遇到 stuck elevator, whether you believe someone is stuck in it or not, contact Facilities, or after-校园安全 立即 for assistance.
如果你身边有人正在经历 精神健康危机 或者是 威胁自杀:
- A psychological crisis exists when someone is threatening harm to themselves or others, 或者脱离了现实. The crisis may be manifested as paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, uncontrollable behavior, and/or complete withdrawal.
- If you come into contact with someone experiencing a psychological crisis who appears to be potentially dangerous (individual is unduly aggressive, hostile, has a weapon, or otherwise unmanageable), do NOT attempt to handle the situation alone. 联系 校园安全 x5555 or (603) 899-5555. The safety of the person in crisis, yourself, and individuals in the surrounding 面积是最重要的.
如果一个 student is contemplating suicide or experiencing a mental health crisis:
- 保持冷静,并鼓励其他人也这样做.
- Try to provide a safe, quiet, secure place for the individual.
- 保持坦率、支持的态度.
- 提醒他们,他们并不孤单.
- 不要把问题道德化或最小化.
- 如果威胁是直接的或迫在眉睫的,打电话 911.
- If the person needs counseling assistance call x4133 or (603) 899-4133 during normal business hours during the academic year or contact 校园安全 x5555或 (603) 899-5555.
如果你遇到 危险的 or 可疑的人:
- Do not threaten, intimidate, or physically confront the person.
- Do not let anyone into a locked 建筑 or room.
- 不要堵住这个人的出口.
- If person asks to speak to a specific University official, ask them to be seated and move outside the person's hearing range to call 校园安全 or 911.
- 在安全的情况下尽快拨打911.
- Make mental notes of descriptive characteristics of person.
如果你遇到 可疑物品 or 包:
- Do not touch or move the item and move away from the area.
- 呼叫 校园安全 or 911 用座机电话.
- Control access to the area for the safety of others.
- Avoid contact with others if you come in direct contact with a suspicious substance.
- The following indicators may identify a threat: No return address; odd smell; leakage or seepage; liquid, powder, or unidentified substance from an unknown source; strange 声音(滴答声、哔哔声).
如果有 龙卷风 or 恶劣天气 在该地区:
- 保持冷静,并鼓励其他人也这样做.
- Listen for city or campus tornado sirens or other warnings, monitor weather conditions, and monitor FPAlert notifications on your phone and email for updates.
- 搬到建筑物的地下室避难.
- If unable to get to a basement, move to an interior room on lowest level of 建筑 without windows, such as a bathroom or closet space, and take cover.
- 远离门窗.
- Avoid auditoriums, gyms, lecture halls, labs and hazmat storage areas.
- Do not go outdoors to get to a shelter but if caught outside, lay flat in a low-lying area, such as a ditch or ravine, and cover your head. 避免校园树木繁茂的区域 如果可能的话.
- 在解除警报前保持隐蔽.
- Report injuries by calling 911 and refer to the INJURY section.
The University will use the following components to issue WARNINGS for emergencies:
户外报警系统: The University’s outdoor warning system issues tone and voice messages in the event of an emergency which will be heard campus-wide by persons outside.
FPAlert短信: Students, faculty, and staff who register for the alerts will receive SMS messages on their mobile phones when this system is activated.
语音留言广播: A message may be sent to the voicemail boxes of all campus telephone extensions.
电子邮件: Students, faculty, and staff will receive an email message sent to their official 新太阳城网址的电子邮件地址.
Raven Nation应用推送通知: Push notifications will be used to push information to students, faculty, and staff that have the Raven Nation App downloaded on their smart devices. 紧急通知 will override the “off” setting for receiving other push notifications.
大学网站: The University website will be updated with information and instructions during an 在紧急情况下尽可能这样做.
人与人之间的交流: 校园安全 or other stakeholders may deliver instructions to persons in their 指定的建筑/部门.
避难所: Shelter-in-Place means to take shelter within the 建筑 you are in, preferably 在一个必要时可以保护的房间里. 就地避难的例子 might be used include: severe storms, such as tornados; extreme life-threatening temperatures (e.g., cold or heat); public disturbances, such as a demonstration that has escalated to a violent level; explosions, whether intentional or accidental; and chemical or biological contaminants released accidentally or intentionally into the air.
A Shelter-in-Place order may be used in conjunction with instructions to Seek Shelter. 例如,“寻求庇护和就地避难”. 保持警惕,增加安全 measures may be communicated in a Shelter in Place scenario. 留在这里,直到所有 清楚是给定的.
固定(封锁): An alert to “Secure-in-Place” or for a “Lockdown” means that there is an immediate 校园面临威胁. 记住跑,躲,打. 如果你能安全地离开危险 situation outside or in a facility, run to safety and leave. 如果你不能,或者你 do not know, and you’re indoors, move to a room that can be secured. 关门锁死 所有的门窗. 关掉灯,把手机调成静音. 堵住门 从里面进去,以防有人进来. 远离门窗 that would provide a line of sight to see that someone is in a room.
如果你遇到 situation in which FIGHTING is the only option, FIGHT. 攻击 可能的话,射手组一组. 用物品制作简易武器. 瞄准眼睛 还有喉咙的软组织区域. 此场景将用于以下情况 校园里有一个活跃的枪手.
If you are outside and not in danger, take the quickest route that you can, safely away from and off campus or to a known safe location.
Suggested locations include Emma’s at the end of Mountain Road and down to the entrance 大学路附近的校园.
安德鲁·波伦,教育学博士. 学生事务主任
(603) 899-4162