新太阳城网址董事会发起了一项全国性的搜索 这所大学的下一任校长. 金姆·穆尼的声明 在2024年6月的学年结束时退休.
In preparation for the next chapter following President Mooney’s 2024 retirement, the Board of Trustees has secured the services of noted executive search company WittKieffer, recognized for attracting top talent to lead America's finest colleges and universities.
“As the search process gets underway, the WittKieffer team will consult widely with Franklin 皮尔斯 faculty, students, staff, alumni and other stakeholders to gather insights and ideas about the 未来 leadership needs of the University moving forward,” 弗雷德里克·W说. 皮尔斯四世,校董会主委.
“WittKieffer’s president-search team tailors their services and approach to the specific needs and institutional profile of each client they serve,” stated 史蒂夫Duprey, Vice 董事会主席. 他们已经为大学进行了130多次领导力搜索 仅在过去的十年里.董事会也将很快任命 a search committee to work with the Board and with WittKieffer to assist in the search 为大学第七任校长举行的典礼.
For more than 50 years, WittKieffer has been a premier search and leadership advisory
通过有影响力的领导来提高生活质量. 作为高管搜索
在高等教育领域, WittKieffer 是专门服务于使命驱动的机构,以改善
生活质量. 他们的教育实践有一个单一的焦点:识别领导力
在教育. 他们为客户机构提供的服务广受认可
We are pleased to announce the full membership of the 总统搜索 Committee, which will work collaboratively in partnership with executive search firm WittKieffer, to ensure an inclusive and thorough search process for the next president of Franklin 皮尔斯.
The Committee’s membership represents a broad range of backgrounds and experiences, 但他们都对太阳城网址的大学有着坚定不移的奉献精神.
- 弗雷德里克·W. 皮尔斯,第四, 董事会前任主席 and 总统遴选委员会联合主席
- 史蒂夫Duprey,校董会主委及社长搜寻委员会联合主委
- 吉纳维芙·麦克吉利卡迪94年,董事会副主席
- 劳埃德·阿斯特曼69年名誉受托人
- 卡琳·法雷尔71年, 荣誉退职的受托人
- 杰奎琳·麦克唐那,03年,校友会主席
- 克里斯汀•贝茨,商学院助理教授
- 雷切尔布勒松体育总监
- 史蒂夫·卡梅里诺阁下. DHL的23,前校董会成员
- 玛丽·凯利博士.D.文理社会科学学院历史学教授
- Priscilla Marsicovetere, JD, PA-C健康与自然科学学院院长
- 保罗·麦克莱伦,23届,25届MBA, 研究生
- Kyle Rao ' 15,餐饮和会议服务经理,索迪斯
- 斯科特·理查森博士.D.,卫生与自然科学学院副教授
- 莎拉Tatro人力资源经理
- 伊莎贝拉·威廉姆斯25岁本科,生物学
The 总统搜索 Committee met earlier this week to initiate their efforts
and set an aggressive timeline in order to identify our next president ahead of the
学年结束. 此外,在接下来的几周内,WittKieffer团队
which includes Jeff Compher, Lucy Leske, and Kim Migoya, will be meeting with faculty,
staff, administrators, alumni, community members and student representatives to hear
your thoughts on the opportunities that lie ahead, as well as the ideal qualities
To share comments on the search, please 请直接给WittKieffer发邮件 FPUPresident@wittkieffer.com.
弗雷德里克·W. 皮尔斯,四
As the search committee has been established and seated, received their charge and engaged in discussions regarding the search process ahead, they are preparing to develop and distribute a campus input survey in the days ahead, and will hold campus listening 会议在11月13日的那一周举行. 这些课程将在现场进行 通过凌岭校区和Zoom会议.
“The search committee will be holding the meetings,” explained Lucy Leske, WittKieffer senior partner, “and my colleagues and I will provide our support to help them make 这些讨论尽可能地丰富和富有成效.”
These sessions represent a crucial step in the process to gather input from university 利益相关者小组会议将持续45-60分钟.
Listening sessions have been scheduled the week of November 13 for student, faculty 以及员工群体. 会议细节已通过电子邮件共享.
10:45 - 11:30 a.m. - FPU高层领导小组聆听会
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. -查册委员会会议
1 - 2 p.m. -在Spagnuolo大厅为FPU员工举行的第1次公开会议
3:30 - 4:15 p.m. -在Spagnuolo大厅为FPU教员举行的第一次公开会议
4:30 - 5:15 p.m. -学术参议院听取会议
6:15 - 7 p.m. -在Spagnuolo Hall为ringdge学生举行的公开会议
7:15 - 8 p.m. -校友会董事会聆听会 (放大)
9:45 - 10:45 a.m. -在Spagnuolo大厅为FPU员工举行的第2次公开会议
11 - 11:45 a.m. ——院长 & 教务长聆听会
6 - 6:45 p.m. -学生运动员谘询委员会聆听会 (放大)
12 - 12:45 p.m. -黎巴嫩,NH学术中心教员 & 员工聆听会 (放大)
1 - 1:45 p.m. -曼彻斯特NH学术中心教员 & 员工聆听会 (放大)
4 - 4:45 p.m. -固特异,AZ和圆岩,得克萨斯州学术中心教员 & 员工听
会话 (放大)
6:30 - 7:15 p.m. -学生自治会聆听会 (放大)
9 - 9:45 a.m. - FPU员工开放会议#3 (放大)
5:30 - 6:15 p.m. -网上/研究生公开课 (放大)
10 - 10:45 a.m. -社区领袖聆听会 (放大)
4 - 4:45 p.m. - FPU学院开放会议#2 (放大)
A survey is also forthcoming to collect additional comments and feedback from both 富兰克林·皮尔斯社区和广大社区的成员.
A survey has been created to collect additional comments and feedback from both members of the Franklin 皮尔斯 Community and community-at-large on the 总统搜索.
请 点击这里 通过调查提交您的反馈.
太阳城网址很高兴地宣布,总统候选人的遴选工作已经公开展开. 太阳城网址的
partners at WittKieffer have officially launched the nationwide search which you can
更多关于 在这里. 您也可以查看PDF格式的领导简介 在这里. The 领导 Profile reflects the feedback we received from our faculty, staff,
学生、社区领袖、校友和受托人. 太阳城网址要感谢你们所有人
who took the time to share your thoughts by participating in one of the many listening
会议或通过在线调查提供反馈. 您提供的反馈
a genuine and hopeful view on the current and 未来 state of 新太阳城网址.
太阳城网址也邀请你们提名总统候选人. 这些提名是保密的
并发送至以下邮箱: FPUPresident@wittkieffer.com.
随着搜索过程的继续,太阳城网址将继续提供最新消息. 谢谢你
for all you do for this outstanding university and wish you the best for a wonderful
史蒂夫Duprey, Chair and Fred 皮尔斯, Immediate Past Chair, 新太阳城网址 校董会及校长遴选委员会联合主委
With recruitment efforts underway, we are pleased to share that the search process 新太阳城网址的下一任校长进展顺利.
The 总统搜索 Committee met recently with its partners on the WittKieffer team and was encouraged by the level of response and interest from candidates at this 阶段.
1. 搜寻工作于2023年12月底正式启动.
2. 猎头公司WittKieffer的招聘工作一直持续到今年年底
3. 总统候选人选拔委员会将开始对候选人材料进行审查
in late winter at which time a selection of candidates will be invited to engage in
4. 校董会预计将在春末宣布新校长
2024年,在2024 - 2025学年之前,过渡完全到位.
We would like to thank the many members of the FPU community who volunteered their time to meet with the WittKieffer team, whether in person or virtually, to share feedback 以及对领导力的机会和品质的见解 希望能看到下一任总统. 你的洞察力对这个过程是无价的,而且 太阳城网址非常感谢您的参与.
To share additional insights or to confidentially nominate someone for the role, please 请直接给WittKieffer发邮件 FPUPresident@wittkieffer.com.
弗雷德里克·W. 皮尔斯,四
We are excited to provide an update on the search for the next president of Franklin 皮尔斯大学. 在过去的几个月里,遴选委员会取得了巨大的成就 这项研究的进展. 正如你所记得的,候选人招聘期开始了 2023年12月. 从那时起,太阳城网址一直非常满意的相当可观 level of interest in this opportunity from a talented and diverse pool of candidates 来自全国各地.
In recent weeks, the search committee met with and interviewed a select group of candidates in person at an offsite location and identified a small group of finalists for further 审查. 太阳城网址目前正在进行审查过程的后期阶段 由校董会决定候选人的选择.
The good news is that we are right on schedule and feel confident that we will be 能在未来几周内宣布太阳城网址的新主席.
As this semester ends and we prepare for commencement, we are reminded of the hard 支持学生的教职员工的工作. 太阳城网址为你的成就感到骄傲, and we look forward to working with you and our new president to ensure a successful 未来.
弗雷德里克·W. 皮尔斯,四
直接联系WittKieffer FPUPresident@wittkieffer.com.